Monday, January 09, 2012

Portuguese Tarts

Jamie Oliver..who doesn't know him ? he's laid back with a unique English accent, and he works in the kitchen very quickly.
I've seen him make these Portuguese tarts in a cooking show, along with two other recipes, in just 30 minutes. But, when I tried to make my self, it took me over an hour ........yeah well , I took a picture of everything, step by step ..:)

Portuguese Tarts
(source : Jamie's 30 Minute Meals book)
  • plain flour, for dusting
  • 1 X 375 gr pre-rolled puff pastry
  • ground cinnamon
  • 125 gr creme fraiche ( I used thickened cream)
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teaspon vanilla paste or vanilla extract
  • 5 tablespoons golden caster sugar ( I used raw sugar)
  • 1 orange
Dust clean surface with flour. Unroll the sheet pastry, the cut it in half so you end up with two 20 x 20 cm square of pastry (put one in the fridge for another day). Sprinkle over a few good pinches of ground cinnamon, roll the pastry into a swiss roll shape and cut into 6 rounds. Put these into 6 of the holes in a muffin tin and use your thumbs to stretch and mould the pastry into the holes (just like a picture) so the bottom is flat and the pastry come up to the top. Put on the top shelf of the oven and cook for around 8 to 10 minutes (set the timer) or until lightly golden.

Spoon the creme fraiche into a small bowl, add egg, vanila paste or extract, 1 tablespoon of golden caster sugar and the zest of 1 orange, mix well.

Take the muffin tin out of the oven, and use a teaspoon to press the puffed pastry back to the sides and make room for the filling. Spoon the creme fraiche mixture into tart cases, and return to top shelf of the oven. Set timer for 8 minutes.

Put a small saucepan on a high heat. Squeeze in the juice from the zested orange and add 4 teaspoons of golden caster sugar. Stir and keep a good eyes on it, but remember the caramel can burn badly so don't touch or taste.

Pour some caramel over each tart (they'll still be wobbly, but that's good). Put aside to set.


  1. Wah ada step by stepnya...seru jg kayaknya bikinnya. Aku juga suka Jamie mbak, lincah di dapur. Wes wes wes...langsung jadi dalam sekejap.

    Kucuran gulanya tambah bikin ngileeerr...
