Monday, April 16, 2012

Lemon Pie Meringue

Bbrp kali lewat di depan cafe di seputaran Melbourne, kita (baca : aku dan anak2) suka ngeliatin pie ini. Aku sampe mikir gimana cara bikinnya.
Akhirnya ketemu resepnya di bersama videonya.
Sebenarnya agak ribet. Tapi si Sulung-ku berkeras mau bikin karena dia memang suka sekali lemon dan meringue. Akhirnya kita berdua sama2 baca resep , nonton video tutorialnya.
Dan asyiklah kami bertiga di dapur.
Rasa sangat pas, cuman meringue nya agak kurang kering, karena aku udah buru2 pengen ngeluarin dari oven, alasannya cuman satu mau moto sebelum matahari redup. Ya begitulah kalo bikin makanan udah menjelang sore udah dag dig dug aja nggak keburu motonya..

Lemon Meringue Pie


  • 225g plain flour
  • 55g almond meal
  • 60g icing sugar mixture
  • 125g chilled butter, chopped
  • 1 egg yolk
Lemon Filling

  • 5 eggs lightly whisked
  • 300ml thin cream
  • 155g caster sugar
  • 1 tbs grated lemon rind
  • 125 ml fresh lemon juice

  • 3 egg whites
  • 125g caster sugar

  • To make lemon filling, whisk together the eggs, cream, sugar, lemon rind and lemon juice until combine. Cover with plastic wrap and store in fridge for 1 hour to develop the flavors 
  • Meanwhile place plain flour, almond meal, icing sugar in the bowl of food processor and process until it resemble fine breadcrumbs. Add the yolk and process until dough until just starts to come together.
  • Turn the dough to lightly floured surface and knead until smooth. Shape into a disc, cover with plastic wrap and place to fridge for 30 minutes to rest
  • Preheat oven to 200 C. Roll put the pastry in lightly floured surface to 3mm thick disc. Line a round 5 cm deep 18 cm (base measurement) fluted tart tin, with removable base with pastry and trim any excess. Place to the fridge for 30 minutes to rest.
  • Cover the pastry base with baking paper and fill with pastry weights, rice or dried beans. Bake in oven for 10 minutes. Remove the paper and pastry weights, rices or dried beans. Bake for 8 minutes or until golden. Remove from oven and reduce oven temperature to 160 C
  • Strain the lemon mixture through a fine sieve into a jug. Pour into the pastry case. Bake in oven for 30 minutes or until just set. Remove from oven, and set aside  for minute to cool. Place in fridge for 1 hour to chill. Increase oven temperature to 180 C
  •  To make the meringue, use a electric beater to whisk the egg white in clean dry bowl until soft peak form. Gradually add sugar one table spoon once at the time, whisking constantly until thick and glossy. Spoon the meringue mixture over the tart and spread to the edge of pastry. Use  the back of the spoon to lightly touch the meringue to create peaks, bake to the oven for 8 to 10 minutes or until golden. Set aside to 15 minute to cool. Cut into wedges to serve.

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