Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Cheat's Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse

My daughters are addicted with this mousse, even they can make their own.
A very simple recipe, but too yummy for them. As a matter of fact, they lick the mousse that are stuck to the bowl and the glass.

Cheat's Chocolate Hazelnut Mousse

source : Donna Hay ( Fast, Fresh, Simple)

300 ml single (pouring) cream (elsa : use thickened cream)
1 tablespoon hazelnut liqueur (elsa : skip it)
1/4 cup (85 gr) chocolate haxelnut spread (elsa : use Nutella)

Place the cream in a bowl and whisk until just starting to thicken. Stir the liqueur through the chocolate nut spread. Add to the cream and whisk gently until combined and thick. Spoon the mousse mixture into glasses and serve.
Serve 4